Erdem Caliskan


Graduate Research Assistant

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

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Graduate Research Assistant at UTK

Jan 2022 - Current

Knoxville, TN

PI & Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Reza Abedi

PI: Assoc. Prof. Alireza V. Amirkhizi (UMass Lowell)

Main research project: Micro-Structured Materials for Effective Impact Energy Management

Funding Agency: Army Research Laboratory

Objective: Conceptual design, numerical analysis, and experimental verification of the utility of micro-structured media for effective engagement of ballistic energy during impact and blast events.

Responsibilities: High-speed impact simulations of the highly nonlinear media.

Tools: LS-DYNA, MATLAB, Python, deal.ii, C++, and Linux.


1. Nonlinear material modeling and simulations

2. Linear finite element simulations

3. High-performance computing